Course curriculum

  • 01

    Leading Yourself and Others in Finance & Technology, Part 2: How to Influence Others

    • Welcome

    • Leading Yourself and Others in Finance & Technology, Part 2: How to Influence Others

    • Welcome From The Course Lecturer

  • 02

    Chapter 1: Influencing Others Through Communication Skills

    • Chapter Introduction

    • 1.1 RIVAS to Help Achieve Goals

    • 1.2 Developing a Personal Communications Strategy

    • 1.3 Self-reflection

    • Chapter Feedback

  • 03

    Chapter 2: Presentation Skills

    • Chapter Introduction

    • 2.1 Core Presentation Tips

    • 2.2 Further Tips on Influencing

  • 04

    Chapter 3: COVID Reflections

    • Chapter Introduction

    • 3.1 The Key Qualities Needed in a Crisis

    • 3.2 Pandemic Coping Strategies

  • 05

    Chapter 4: Acting The Leader

    • Chapter Introduction

    • 4.1 Why Leadership Qualities are Important

    • 4.2 Self-management to Achieve Results

    • 4.3 Self-reflection

  • 06

    Chapter 5: Summary

    • Chapter Introduction

    • 5.1 Saving the Best Until Last

    • 5.2 Summarising How to Maximise Our Potential

    • 5.3 The Principles of Leadership

    • 5.4 Final Message

    • Course Reading List

  • 07

    Course Conclusion

    • Congratulations!

    • Course Feedback