Course curriculum

  • 01

    Welcome to Governance, Due Diligence and Risk

    • Welcome to Governance, Due Diligence and Risk

    • Join our Community at CFTE!

  • 02

    Blockchain and Digital Assets for Financial Services

    • Overview of Governance, Due Diligence and Risk

    • Overview Handbook

    • Programme Glossary | Your Key to Terms and Definitions

  • 03

    Module 1 | Compliance, Regulation and Risk


    • Module Handbook

    • 1.1 | Compliance

    • 1.2 | Regulatory and Cross-Jurisdictional Frameworks

    • 1.3 | Data and Asset Travel Rule

    • 1.4 | RegTech and SupTech

    • Summary

    • Industry Expert Interview | Aniko Szombati, Central Bank of Hungary

    • Industry Expert Key Takeaways

    • ━━ READINGS ━━

    • QUIZ

    • QUIZ (Readings)

  • 04

    Module 2 | Cybersecurity and Exploits


    • Module Handbook

    • 2.1 | The Cybersecurity Landscape

    • 2.2 | Cybersecurity by Design: Solutions Involving Blockchain

    • Summary

    • Industry Expert Interview | Jürg Baltensperger, JayBee

    • Industry Experts Key Takeaways

    • ━━ READINGS ━━

    • QUIZ

    • QUIZ (Readings)

  • 05

    Module 3 | Corporate Governance and Support


    • Module Handbook

    • 3.1 | Legal and Accounting

    • 3.2 | Taxation

    • 3.3 | Corporate Governance

    • Summary

    • Industry Expert Interview | Adi Ben-Ari, Applied Blockchain

    • Industry Expert Key Takeaways

    • ━━ READINGS ━━

    • QUIZ

    • QUIZ (Readings)

  • 06

    Module 4 | Project Failures: Why and What We Have Learnt?


    • Module Handbook

    • 4.1 | Why Due Diligence and Project Governance Counts – the Failures of Wirecard and FTX

    • 4.2 | When Collaboration and Unwillingness to Share Data Fail – TradeLens Project

    • 4.3 | A Recipe for Trouble - Complex Legacy Systems and Poor Education of Stakeholders and End Users, the Chess Project

    • Summary

    • Industry Expert Interview | Kelvin Lee, SEC Commissioner

    • Industry Expert Key Takeaways

    • ━━ READINGS ━━

    • QUIZ

    • QUIZ (Readings)

  • 07

    Module 5 | Mindset, Education and Authenticating Information


    • Module Handbook

    • 5.1 | Technology Versus Mindset

    • 5.2 | Blockchain: The Potential to Give Information Authenticity

    • 5.3 | Maintaining Online Identity and Reputation

    • 5.4 | Where to Next: Planning the ‘Killer App’

    • Summary

    • ━━ READINGS ━━

    • QUIZ

    • QUIZ (Readings)

  • 08

    Chapter 6 | Project

    • Project Overview

    • Project | Instructions Manual

  • 09

    Chapter 6 | Conclusion

    • Conclusion

    • Final Assessment

    • What's Next?