How we handle money is changing and it is crucial to learn the alternatives of making payments in the future

Course 6: The Rationale for a Payments Digital Transformation Program will uncover the varied digitisation strategies and trends. 

Learn how to kick-off and run a payments digital transformation and innovation program. Acquire the tools to transform your (e-) business and corporate finance functions.

This course is the final of the six courses in the Payments in Digital Finance Specialisation, which is designed to help understand opportunities digitisation will bring in payments.

This course is co-created by:


In United Kingdom and Hungary

Senior Lecturer: Fred Bär

Learn from

Fred Bär is a partner in Payments Advisory Group, an international business consultancy specialized in payments. He has advised on PSD2-related topics, on Instant Payments developments in Europe and recently on the launch of the Vietnamese NAPAS ACH (with World Bank/IFC). He is the Secretary-General of the European Automated Clearing House Association, of which he is also a former President. Fred was Director at various payments processors (equensWorldline, EBA Clearing, Vocalink), a Board Member of International Giro Services, and a Board member of Interpay EGI, the first Dutch E-Money Institution. Prior to payments, Fred worked in the Telco-, Energy- and IT-industries. He is married, has four children and lives in the Netherlands.

Fred Bar

Senior Lecturer, Payments C2 & C6

Global Contributing Experts

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand how payment figures in a digital business architecture for (i) a bank (ii) a B2C retail/e-merchant (iii) B2B corporate or Government

  • Developing a "to-be" value model, identifying change direction, choosing the objects of digital transformation

  • You want to understand the regulatory initiatives across different regions that enable a payment initiation market

  • Identifying and engaging with external and internal customers, partners, stakeholders, sponsors

  • Understand the role of internal controls and risk management in making and receiving corporate payments. Use of control structures, use of virtual accounts

  • Understand trends in customer preferences for payment instruments - and how to act on those

Course Information

Course Curriculum

  • 01

    Course 6 of Payments in Digital Finance specialisation

    • Welcome to the Rationale for a Digital Transformation Program

    • Welcome from the Programme Directors!

    • A Message from Senior Lecturer - Fred!

    • Course Handbook | Introduction & Overview

    • Course Handbook | Glossary

    • Join Our Community at CFTE!

  • 02

    Chapter 1: What Needs To Be Transformed - The Rationale for a DT Program


    • Course Handbook | Chapter 1

    • 1.1 Payments In The Business Process

    • 1.2 Drivers of Payments Digital Transformation

    • 1.3 Who Pays What Across the Value Chain

    • 1.4 Payments As Part of Whole-Bank-Digital Transformation




    • QUIZ

  • 03

    Chapter 2: How To Kick-off and Run a Payments DT/Innovation Programme


    • Course Handbook | Chapter 2

    • 2.1 What Is a Digital Transformation Program?

    • 2.2 Setting Direction and Goals

    • 2.3 Engaging Stakeholders

    • 2.4 Planning, Organisation And Continuous Delivery



    • QUIZ

  • 04

    Chapter 3: Leveraging the Digital Payments Ecosystem To Transform Your E-business


    • Course Handbook | Chapter 3

    • 3.1 Merchant Needs For Payments

    • 3.2 New Payment Instruments: Impact On E-merchant Business

    • 3.3 Payments New Forms and Functions

    • 3.4 Costs

    • 3.5 Business Case : A Generic Approach



    • QUIZ

  • 05

    Chapter 4: Leveraging the Digital Payments Ecosystem To Transform Your Corporate Finance Functions


    • Course Handbook | Chapter 4

    • 4.1 Corporate Treasury: Needs Of Large Payment Users

    • 4.2 New Payments Instruments: Impact on the Corporate Treasury Functions

    • 4.3 Payments and Corporate Core Business Interactions

    • 4.4 Costs

    • 4.5 Business Case - Generic Approach




    • QUIZ

  • 06

    Voice of Customer (VOC)

    • VOC Merchant Perspective: Gaston Aussems

    • Payments, from a Merchant's Point of View

    • VOC Treasurer Perspective: Francois Masquelier

    • Payments, from a Treasurer's Point of View

  • 07

    Course Conclusion & Final Assessment

    • Concluding Remarks from Fred!

    • Final Assessment

  • 08


    • Congratulations!

    • Post-survey

    • What's Next?

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