Course curriculum

  • 01

    Chinese Big Tech in Financial Services

    • Welcome

    • Welcome to Chinese Big Tech in Financial Services

    • Welcome From The Course Lecturer

  • 02

    Chapter 1: Techfin Landscape

    • Chapter Introduction

    • 1.1 Introduction to Techfin

    • 1.2 Chinese Techfin Players

    • 1.3 Other Techfin Players

    • Chapter Feedback

  • 03

    Chapter 2: Example of Techfin: Ant Group

    • Chapter Introduction

    • 2.1 The Alibaba Ecosystem

    • 2.2 Ant Group, The World's Largest TechFin

    • 2.3 Zoom on Alipay

  • 04

    Chapter 3: Introduction to Chinese Super Apps

    • Chapter Introduction

    • 3.1 What is a Super App

    • 3.2 Major Chinese Super Apps

    • 3.3 Case Study: WeChat

  • 05

    Chapter 4: China's Cashless Society and Payment Landscape

    • Chapter Introduction

    • 4.1 China's Main Payment Players

    • 4.2 Payment Technologies and Innovations

    • 4.3 China's CBDC

    • Course Readings

  • 06

    Course Conclusion

    • Course Conclusion

    • Congratulations!

    • Course Feedback